Senator Marsha Blackburn Calls on Biden, Other Administration Officials to Resign

Sen. Blackburn: White House


Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Thursday urged President Joe Biden (D) to resign over his policy decisions in Afghanistan.

Blackburn joins a growing list of lawmakers and other elected leaders who have called on Biden to either be impeached or resign from office.

“I am devastated to hear about the servicemembers who lost their lives today. We owe a debt of gratitude to them for their sacrifice and pray for comfort for their families. It’s time for accountability, starting with those whose failed planning allowed these attacks to occur. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley should all resign or face impeachment and removal from office,” Senator Blackburn said.

The call from Blackburn and other elected leaders follows numerous reports of deadly attacks near Harmid Karzai International Airport, the center of U.S. operations to evacuate citizens and Afghan allies.

In the attack, a suicide bomb reportedly detonated outside the airport. Further, another bomb went off at a nearby hotel, where Americans have been gathering for rescue and evacuation.

Blackburn has remained a constant critic of Biden’s policy decision and the rapid advancement of the Taliban to regain control of Afghanistan.

“The rapid destruction of legitimate governance in Afghanistan could have been avoided,” said Senator Marsha Blackburn in a previous statement. “In a matter of weeks, the Taliban has unraveled twenty years of progress made by American servicemembers. Biden’s precipitous withdrawal of U.S. troops has jeopardized our national security and pushed millions of Afghan women, children, and those who worked as U.S. military interpreters directly into harm’s way. This is an utter disaster.”

However, Blackburn is not the only Tennessee elected official to question Biden’s foreign policy moves.

“As a former U.S. Ambassador responsible for the lives of all under my Chief of Mission authority, I urge this Administration to stop spinning and deflecting responsibility for President Biden’s poor decision-making and instead focus entirely on keeping Americans in Afghanistan secure until they are home safely,” added Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN).

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].






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9 Thoughts to “Senator Marsha Blackburn Calls on Biden, Other Administration Officials to Resign”

  1. […] calls rang out from multiple Senators and other GOP elected leaders following the deadly explosion near Hamid […]

  2. […] calls rang out from multiple Senators and other GOP elected leaders following the deadly explosion near Hamid […]

  3. […] calls rang out from multiple Senators and other GOP elected leaders following the deadly explosion near Hamid […]

  4. Mark Knofler

    Maybe Marsha should take her own advice. #VotetheBumsOut!

  5. Rick

    If you had backed Trump when you were needed maybe none of this would have happened. You lost my vote when I found out you accepted 800k Big Pharma money for your campaign funds. You are one of the swamp creatures with a big rino mouth!

  6. John

    More empty comments from Empty Suit Blackburn. She needs to be challenged and defeated in her next primary.

  7. Nancy

    Marsha! Where is your outrage on January 6 , the shooting of an unarmed women? Why aren’t you calling for a criminal investigation of the officer who shot this women? She was unarmed 5’2” tall weighed 120 lbs and was not a threat! Please ask Mitch McConnell if you have permission to stick up for us women in Tennessee ! Shooting an armed women is a criminal offense and he needs to be prosecuted! Lt Byrd !! Stated he did not care if she was armed or unarmed! Where is your outrage?

  8. Cannoneer2

    Bless her heart… she does realize that Kamala is next in line to be President, doesn’t she??

    1. Juju Blankenship

      She will be impeached as well. Their agenda is quite, quite clear!
